[Talk-it-southtyrol] Talk-it-southtyrol Digest, Vol 12, Issue 9
2014-02-20 14:06:02 UTC
Hi imma,
Hi alltogether,
no, i think the taken solution ist the best. I only wanted to indicate a possible matter.
Who ist Ettore? I think all the names in S?dtirol should be integrated to habe both names or 3 names (ladin). There are also several names only in german.
what's the fuzz all about, we have a digital map with a lot of nice data, thats why name:it and name:de tags are good for.
so if you want to find out whats the name in <your language here> you will an can find out if tagged correctly.
my 2 ?
ps: excessive noise [snip]ed
ps2: from an old netiquette, pls. learn how to cite.
Hi Maximus, hi alltogether,

Maximus your're right, I apologize for my noises. It's too hard for me
to write in a mailing list, even more in english, it's not my Job. I
give up. I'll probably unsubscribe.

I'm happy about the help kindly received on the discussion and happy
about new and correct data in osm and I hope this can encourage some
other people to map their town and other places.
I'm less happyer about my ignorance regarding mailings lists and about
some bit aggressive answers that I received.

Martin Raifer
2014-02-20 18:05:56 UTC
It's too hard for me to write in a mailing list, even more in english,
it's not my Job. I give up. I'll probably unsubscribe.
Please don't do that. ;) If you are not comfortable with English, just
write in Italian or German!

I personally began to write in English in the housenumbers import thread
because I thought that it would make it easier for external people to
follow the discussion.
I'm happy about the help kindly received on the discussion and happy
about new and correct data in osm and I hope this can encourage some
other people to map their town and other places.
+1 :)
I'm less happyer about my ignorance regarding mailings lists and about
some bit aggressive answers that I received.
Please don't get too upset on this. Sometimes mailing lists can feel a
little bit harsh, because it's not always easy to express an opinion both
strongly to the point and politely. Also there is always much room for
misinterpretations (especially in slightly political topics) that can make
conversations even more "slippery". I am also sometimes a little
over-the-top ([1], [2]) maybe. Please excuse me and don't take it too
personally. ;)

Happy mapping!

[1] http://lists.opengisdata.eu/pipermail/mappers/2014-February/000059.html
[2] http://www.openstreetmap.org/note/120794
