[Talk-it-southtyrol] Talk-it-southtyrol Digest, Vol 12, Issue 7
2014-02-19 22:39:14 UTC
Hi Imma,

thank you for examples. Yes, i can agree, but i think there can be
situations where you don't know which is the local and wich the national
name. Have a look at Gij?n/Xix?n.. which is the spanish name?

But for me it's not a problem.

I wrote in italian because my english is not quiet good.

Thanks for ?/ss :)

Regarding Salorno: i think the Staatsstra?e is not correct, it should be
Nationalstra?e, don't you?


Il 19/02/2014 16:11, talk-it-southtyrol-request at openstreetmap.org ha
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1. Re: Talk-it-southtyrol Digest, Vol 12, Issue 6 (tomas)
2. Re: Talk-it-southtyrol Digest, Vol 12, Issue 6 (Wolfi Niederhofer)
3. Re: Talk-it-southtyrol Digest, Vol 12, Issue 6 (immaterial)
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 15:50:12 +0100
From: tomas <tracks at tomyt.net>
To: talk-it-southtyrol at openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [Talk-it-southtyrol] Talk-it-southtyrol Digest, Vol 12,
Issue 6
Message-ID: <5304C4A4.90809 at tomyt.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
noto che negli indirizzi viene proposto Staatsstrasse, ma la strada
statale a Salorno si chiama Via Nazionale, Nationalstrasse
Se posso vorrei dire anche la mia sull'ordine delle lingue, visto che ?
stato deciso di impostarlo in base alla maggiore popolazione.
Non so se questo sia utile per chi magari guarda la cartina dell'Alto Adige.
Per farmene un'idea mi immagino di guardare una regione della Spagna, la
Catalonia p.es. o altra zona, chess?, Valencia.
Ecco, se posso partire dal presupposto che l'ordine delle lingue ?
sempre uguale, sapr? con certezza quale ? il nome spagnolo o catalano.
Se invece venisse indicato in base ad un rilevamento etnico e l'ordine
delle lingue non fosse sempre uguale? Come faccio poi a sapere quale ?
il nome spagnolo?
Certo, in taluni casi si capisce comunque, ma la met? dei nomi pu?
essere dubbia per uno straniero.
Trovate la mia ?berlegung fondata?
non mi ricordo pi? se dobbiamo scrivere Strasse o Stra?e ?
Il 19/02/2014 13:00, talk-it-southtyrol-request at openstreetmap.org ha
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1. The final Import of house numbers (Pietro d'Orio)
2. Re: [Mappers] The final Import of house numbers (Martin Raifer)
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 14:03:14 +0100
From: Pietro d'Orio <pietro.dorio at r3-gis.com>
To: mappers at opengisdata.eu, OSM talk-it-southtyrol
<talk-it-southtyrol at openstreetmap.org>, Patrick Ohnewein
<patrick.ohnewein at tis.bz.it>, Luisa Marangon
<luisa.marangon at tis.bz.it>
Cc: Francesco D'Alesio <francesco.dalesio at r3-gis.com>, Paolo Viskanic
<paolo.viskanic at r3-gis.com>
Subject: [Talk-it-southtyrol] The final Import of house numbers
Message-ID: <53035A12.6080601 at r3-gis.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-15"; Format="flowed"
Finally, tomorrow the import of the house numbers will be done.
Here you can find the final information about the import.
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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 23:36:34 +0100
From: "Martin Raifer" <tyr.asd at gmail.com>
To: mappers at opengisdata.eu, "OSM talk-it-southtyrol"
<talk-it-southtyrol at openstreetmap.org>, "Pietro d'Orio"
<pietro.dorio at r3-gis.com>
Subject: Re: [Talk-it-southtyrol] [Mappers] The final Import of house
Message-ID: <op.xbh0282jo0zqqj at tyrschleppi2>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed; delsp=yes
Finally, tomorrow the import of the house numbers will be done.
Please postpone this a little bit! Instead you should first publish the
to-be-imported data in .osm format for the community to look over and spot
eventual mistakes.
I say this because I just took a very quick look at one of the
*_update.osm files and immediately found an issue with those
place-instead-of-street based addresses. :(
I think that any such issue has to be fixed _before_ we actually import
the data.
Talk-it-southtyrol mailing list
Talk-it-southtyrol at openstreetmap.org
End of Talk-it-southtyrol Digest, Vol 12, Issue 6
Message: 2
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 16:10:51 +0100
From: "Wolfi Niederhofer" <2wolfi at gmx.net>
To: tomas <tracks at tomyt.net>
Cc: talk-it-southtyrol at openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [Talk-it-southtyrol] Talk-it-southtyrol Digest, Vol 12,
Issue 6
<trinity-446c4ab6-7084-4f26-94aa-b38a063f4d97-1392822650899 at 3capp-gmx-bs50>
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Message: 3
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 15:09:01 +0000
From: immaterial <immaterial at gmx.net>
To: OSM talk-it-southtyrol <talk-it-southtyrol at openstreetmap.org>
Subject: Re: [Talk-it-southtyrol] Talk-it-southtyrol Digest, Vol 12,
Issue 6
Message-ID: <4CBEE915-3E86-4E52-8C70-61EA566F96D2 at gmx.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
hi tomas,
if i'm not wrong we agreed to write in english so everyone can unterstand. the other option would be everyone writing in his first/mother tongue.
in catalonia place names are catalan only so no solution like yours can be found... and i think a map (even more if it is crowdsourced) can show cultural diversity without having to be "uniform" in a national(istic) sense. so i think the solution we already found is the best one for everyone, don't you?
"stra?e" in german (except for switzerland which has its own official rules) is *always* written with "?"...
greets, imma
noto che negli indirizzi viene proposto Staatsstrasse, ma la strada statale a Salorno si chiama Via Nazionale, Nationalstrasse
Se posso vorrei dire anche la mia sull'ordine delle lingue, visto che ? stato deciso di impostarlo in base alla maggiore popolazione.
Non so se questo sia utile per chi magari guarda la cartina dell'Alto Adige.
Per farmene un'idea mi immagino di guardare una regione della Spagna, la Catalonia p.es. o altra zona, chess?, Valencia.
Ecco, se posso partire dal presupposto che l'ordine delle lingue ? sempre uguale, sapr? con certezza quale ? il nome spagnolo o catalano. Se invece venisse indicato in base ad un rilevamento etnico e l'ordine delle lingue non fosse sempre uguale? Come faccio poi a sapere quale ? il nome spagnolo?
Certo, in taluni casi si capisce comunque, ma la met? dei nomi pu? essere dubbia per uno straniero.
Trovate la mia ?berlegung fondata?
non mi ricordo pi? se dobbiamo scrivere Strasse o Stra?e ?
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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Talk-it-southtyrol digest..."
1. The final Import of house numbers (Pietro d'Orio)
2. Re: [Mappers] The final Import of house numbers (Martin Raifer)
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 14:03:14 +0100
From: Pietro d'Orio <pietro.dorio at r3-gis.com>
To: mappers at opengisdata.eu, OSM talk-it-southtyrol
<talk-it-southtyrol at openstreetmap.org>, Patrick Ohnewein
<patrick.ohnewein at tis.bz.it>, Luisa Marangon
<luisa.marangon at tis.bz.it>
Cc: Francesco D'Alesio <francesco.dalesio at r3-gis.com>, Paolo Viskanic
<paolo.viskanic at r3-gis.com>
Subject: [Talk-it-southtyrol] The final Import of house numbers
Message-ID: <53035A12.6080601 at r3-gis.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-15"; Format="flowed"
Finally, tomorrow the import of the house numbers will be done.
Here you can find the final information about the import.
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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 23:36:34 +0100
From: "Martin Raifer" <tyr.asd at gmail.com>
To: mappers at opengisdata.eu, "OSM talk-it-southtyrol"
<talk-it-southtyrol at openstreetmap.org>, "Pietro d'Orio"
<pietro.dorio at r3-gis.com>
Subject: Re: [Talk-it-southtyrol] [Mappers] The final Import of house
Message-ID: <op.xbh0282jo0zqqj at tyrschleppi2>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed; delsp=yes
Finally, tomorrow the import of the house numbers will be done.
Please postpone this a little bit! Instead you should first publish the
to-be-imported data in .osm format for the community to look over and spot
eventual mistakes.
I say this because I just took a very quick look at one of the
*_update.osm files and immediately found an issue with those
place-instead-of-street based addresses. :(
I think that any such issue has to be fixed _before_ we actually import
the data.
Talk-it-southtyrol mailing list
Talk-it-southtyrol at openstreetmap.org
End of Talk-it-southtyrol Digest, Vol 12, Issue 6
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End of Talk-it-southtyrol Digest, Vol 12, Issue 7